Saturday, August 3, 2013

Random Picture Post: Non-Waxy Photos From the Last Few Weeks #2!

It's that time again: more random photos from the last few weeks! :-)
Who doesn't like an Otter Pop on a warm summer day?!
A few weeks ago, the world lost a shining star in Talia Joy Castellano, a young girl with terminal cancer, who made fashion and makeup vlogs. She passed away, and someone in the nail polish community decided to have a day dedicated to Talia with minty colored manicures (the last polish photo she took, she had been wearing mint green). Though it's not perfect, here's my mint manicure for Talia.
She was an amazing girl with more brightness and shine and wonder and amazingness than some of us will ever have in our lifetimes. She will be missed. :(
Photo in the light.
We finished putting up all our movies posters in the hallway! There are 7, plus 3 in our bedroom. Yeah, we're a bit obsessed!
My grandpa gave us this bamboo plant as a housewarming gift, how cool, huh?! Well, we transferred it to this bigger glass pot and filled it with rocks. I think it looks great!
We had an awesome BBQ while my best friend was in town from Chicago. Good times, good food, good booze. I love take photos of our fires!
I know this isn't a super clear photo, but can any of your gardeners out there tell me what kind of flower this is?
The sky a few nights ago, over our friend's house.
Butter London was having a huge sale, so I picked up a few polishes. Their formula is absolutely fantastic!
Cards Against Humanity...have you played? If you're terrible people like me and all of my friends, then you have. It takes a special kind of crazy person not to get offended at this game. It's outrageous, but hilariously fun.
Some of you are my Facebook friends, some of you are not, and if not, here's what happened. Josh and I were blogging the other day and we heard Freddo cry and shriek in pain. We went running and saw that a wire from the gas line of out smoker had snapped off onto his leg, getting stuck in his skin. We pulled it out and ran him to the vet. He had to go under anesthesia and get stitches, poor ol' bear. He's still having a hard time going to the bathroom, and he's also not taking his pills now because he doesn't like the taste. He's figured out that the reason he gets a special treat is because there's medicine in there. He's very lethargic, too. We're making him go outside a few times a day, even if it's just to sit in the sun. :(
Karl Strauss Brewery here in San Diego has an amazing koi pond right outside its doors, so I snapped these photos. Aren't they beautiful? I would love to have something like this in our backyard, LOL!
Another summer treat; fruit loop flavored vodka! It's incredibly similar to the cereal! Yum!
...and I leave you with quite possibly the most delicious sandwich in existence, the El Toro from Phil's BBQ here in San Diego. Adam Richman has visited this restaurant and even voted the El Toro his best sandwich! WOOHOO! It deserves it!

Have an awesome weekend, sorry I have been MIA. Our movie blog has posts scheduled, but I never got a chance to write up stuff for my wax bloggity-blog because of Freddo. :(


  1. Talia was such a bubbly beautiful girl. I loved watching her videos. :-( I pray for peace for her family and loved ones.
    On a lighter note, I looove your RHPS movie poster! Tim Curry makes that movie like no other. Also, I * think* that flower is a camillia. If I could get a better look at the leaves. But try googling camillia and see if it fits. Gorgeous plant. Have a great Sunday!

    1. Talia really was an amazing girl, she made such an impact on so many people during her short life!

      Tim Curry is flawless, I love RHPS!

      I will take another photo of these flowers and upload it in a second!

  2. LOVE the pics. Keep 'em coming!

    Sweet Talia. She was a little miracle. Great minty nail tribute :)

    Adam Richman is a smart man. El Toro is so yum!

    1. Glad y'all aren't getting tired of non-waxy photos! Yay! :)

      Mmmmmmm, the el toro......I need to go to Phil's! :D


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