Saturday, February 27, 2016

Swift & Supersonically Snappy Short Review #101: Sugar and Spice Gourmet Soy's Pomegranate

Sugar and Spice Gourmet Soy's Pomegranate
Cold Rating7.5/10
Lit Rating: 7.5/10
Throw Rating7.5/10
Overall Rating7.5/10; fresh, sweet pomegranate that's also a bit...something else that's not quite earth and not quite clean, but somewhere in the middle? If that makes any sense (but I know it doesn't so humor me). Quite a thrower, medium-strong scent for about 6.5 hours in the bathroom warmer. Noticeably dissipated after about 4-5 hours, stayed in the air for the rest of the time. Lovely on a hot winter's day (seriously, it has not been a cold winter, and where the hell is this el nino we were promised!?). Reminds me of a perfume I smelled once, but not quite as complex. Not in your face pomegranate, but a mellow, lovely one. Wanting to buy a pomegranate from the store, not knowing what to do with it. Chocolate covered pomegranate seeds from Trader Joe's. SERIOUSLY, WHERE IS WINTER??? Josh remarked that he liked this one, too!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Swift & Supersonically Snappy Short Review #100: Candles from the Keeping Room's Strawberry Marshmallow

I have done 100 Swift & Supersonically Snappy Short Review! WOWZA!!! :)
Candles from the Keeping Room's Strawberry Marshmallow
Cold Rating9/10
Lit Rating: 9/10
Throw Rating10/10
Overall Rating: 9.5/10; one of the best throwing melts I have ever encountered. SO GOOD. The strawberry is Carol's signature partially candied sweet/partially realistic earthy strawberry, mixed with her wonderful, gooey marshmallow to make this one heck of a melt. Those. Strawberry. Shape. Are. So. Cute!! Could smell this outside my house. Lasted 12+ hours between the bathroom and bedroom melts. Finally, I feel reinvigorated to melt again! Needing more of CFTKR's new scents. Missing restock windows, or opting not to buy. Not good for my wallet. Wanting to make angel food cake. Air smelling so good you want to taste it. Tremendous staying power mixed with insane throw  = one of the greatest melts I have had in a long time!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Random Post: Hi!

Hey all, it's been a while! Happy New Year!

During and after the holidays, I got into a bit of a wax/blogging funk. It was a combination of things, really. The funk, plus I had to reformat my computer. I had a bit of a scare a month or so ago, and after several desperate attempts to save my stuff, I had reconciled with the fact that all of my photos, music, and videos would just be gone, vanished without a trace. On a whim, I tried to reinstall Windows on my PC and save the C drive to see if I could have a sliver of a chance at keeping all my stuff. AND BAM! IT WORKED! It was a pain in the ass to be without a computer for nearly a week, but all my photos were there when I backed the computer up, thank the stars! Well, everything but the program I use to tag my photos.  :'(

I must be honest, I have not been buying wax much these days. It's a combination of the money factor, the fact that I have been trying to spend less time thinking about wax that I'll barely ever melt, and melting through what I already have while getting rid of stuff I know I don't want/will never melt. Yes, I've even had to throw away a bit of wax that had lost its smell. YIKES. This, as you know, is a waxy's worst nightmare. I am also very much off of the Facebook wax group game. Every vendor has a group, every group of friends as a group, and somehow, I wound up in all of them. :P I think I have dwindled my list down to the vendors and groups I adore the most, but it seems like new groups pop up every single week.

It's not that I'm not melting, it's just that I've been distracted a lot more these days. I know, I know, I'm a terrible person, but we have had so many projects going on over at Lolo Loves Films between the year-end recap lists, Oscar movies month, out monthly editorials and lists, juggling our new column in the Clairemont Times, doing a podcast show on the weekends with friends, and trying to see all of the newly released theatricals films, we've had a lot on our plate. Unfortunately, this blog has taken a bit of a back seat. I know what you're thinking: she's done. She's out of the wax game for good. I want to assure you, I'm not going anywhere! I have been trying to get better at waking up and switching out the various wax dishes I have right in the morning so I have *something* to blog about other than years old tarts and the same Bath & Body Works candles everyone else buys.

Bare with me, friends, I haven't forgotten about the smelly goods that brought us together. I hope you stick with me, even if I'm blogging less than I used to. :)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Band of Bloggers: Vol. 2 / February 2016

Welcome to the month of February! Congratulations, you survived the start of the New Year! If this is your first month joining us, Band of Bloggers is a revamped version of the Order of the Odor, where we do a monthly chat about all matters of waxy things and life. We hope you join us in the conversations!

This month's question is: Now that we have settled into the new year of 2016, we wanted to find out what are your goals for this year (life, blog, work, travel etc)?
I really don't like making New Years Resolutions. I feel like they only set you up for failure, so I stopped making them a few years ago. I do, however, have a lofty set of goals for 2016, especially for my blog Lolo Loves Films. Our major goal is to expand our social media numbers, and we've always prided ourselves on getting them "naturally" (IE: we don't buy or bot followers). Since we grew about 1,750 over a year, I'd like to raise this number to another 2,000 subscribers on Instagram. Silly, I know, but we have built a real close relationship with many cinephiles on IG! We have recently been offered a spot as Clairemont Times newspaper contributors as movie reviewers, so I'd love to stick with this for a full calendar year and find other ways to make a tiny bit of dough, too! Finally, our goal at the beginning of 2016 was to have one editorial come out each month so we can include our own curated content each month. So far, so good, and we have one month under our belts! lol!

As far as other goals outside of "work," as with most people, I'd love to lose a little bit of weight. I'd also love to travel to a new city on vacation. I'd love to power through the last few projects I have from when we moved into this house (almost 3 years ago! LOL!), such as massive filing, a room organization, and a 3-year spring cleaning assessment!

Please visit these Band of Bloggers blogs
and help support the blogger community!

Lauren, at Lolo Loves Scents.
Liz, at Furianne
Michelle, at Waxing About.
Sunnee, at Fragrance Obsessed.

Thank you, and have a great day!