Monday, February 8, 2016

Random Post: Hi!

Hey all, it's been a while! Happy New Year!

During and after the holidays, I got into a bit of a wax/blogging funk. It was a combination of things, really. The funk, plus I had to reformat my computer. I had a bit of a scare a month or so ago, and after several desperate attempts to save my stuff, I had reconciled with the fact that all of my photos, music, and videos would just be gone, vanished without a trace. On a whim, I tried to reinstall Windows on my PC and save the C drive to see if I could have a sliver of a chance at keeping all my stuff. AND BAM! IT WORKED! It was a pain in the ass to be without a computer for nearly a week, but all my photos were there when I backed the computer up, thank the stars! Well, everything but the program I use to tag my photos.  :'(

I must be honest, I have not been buying wax much these days. It's a combination of the money factor, the fact that I have been trying to spend less time thinking about wax that I'll barely ever melt, and melting through what I already have while getting rid of stuff I know I don't want/will never melt. Yes, I've even had to throw away a bit of wax that had lost its smell. YIKES. This, as you know, is a waxy's worst nightmare. I am also very much off of the Facebook wax group game. Every vendor has a group, every group of friends as a group, and somehow, I wound up in all of them. :P I think I have dwindled my list down to the vendors and groups I adore the most, but it seems like new groups pop up every single week.

It's not that I'm not melting, it's just that I've been distracted a lot more these days. I know, I know, I'm a terrible person, but we have had so many projects going on over at Lolo Loves Films between the year-end recap lists, Oscar movies month, out monthly editorials and lists, juggling our new column in the Clairemont Times, doing a podcast show on the weekends with friends, and trying to see all of the newly released theatricals films, we've had a lot on our plate. Unfortunately, this blog has taken a bit of a back seat. I know what you're thinking: she's done. She's out of the wax game for good. I want to assure you, I'm not going anywhere! I have been trying to get better at waking up and switching out the various wax dishes I have right in the morning so I have *something* to blog about other than years old tarts and the same Bath & Body Works candles everyone else buys.

Bare with me, friends, I haven't forgotten about the smelly goods that brought us together. I hope you stick with me, even if I'm blogging less than I used to. :)


  1. Of course, we are sticking with you. You have so much other things to do, wow! My blog game has also been reduced since I am buying lesser now but it's ok, it's always been a little space for me to air my thoughts about the scents rather than keeping it in my own head, and if I am able to gain from it (friends like you!), that's a big bonus! :)

    1. Thanks for sticking with me! I know you're busy, too, with travel and lots of other fun stuff! It's nice to know there's a space for us to blog! :)

  2. I'll be sticking with you too! I love your film blog tweets! :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoy them! And thanks for stickin' with me! :)

  3. Always. Right here with you! Hi Freddo! Glad the film blog is keeping you excited though! I love it! Are you still getting the candle subscriptions?

    The FB groups are insane. Really. Way too many to keep track of, that's why I hate that vendors actually expect you to read the group notices before you order. No way. I left a ton of groups too. Some of the general wax ones are so negative it almost makes one lose faith in humanity. I left those too long ago. I am tinkering with the idea of leaving almost all of them. Lord knows I don't need them to order wax lol!!


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